
Date Activity Course Type Distance Duration ▲ Pace  
4/28/2024 Bike
Bike - Holland - downtown
Default 4.4 mi 26:02 5:53
4/14/2024 Bike
Bike - Cheeny creek - NPT - downtown
Default 5.7 mi 32:39 5:42
5/1/2024 Bike
Bike - 141st 116th NPT loop
Default 7.3 mi 35:21 4:51
3/16/2024 Bike
Bike - 146th 116th NPT loop
Default 8.3 mi 40:21 4:53
5/5/2024 Bike
Bike - 146th 106th NPT loop
Default 10.4 mi 50:11 4:50
6/8/2024 Bike
Bike - Monon Trail from Rohrer to Grand Park
Default 12.6 mi 1:06:39 5:19
6/16/2024 Bike
Bike - to Morse Beach - 116th NPT
Default 23.9 mi 2:11:18 5:30