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5:45 AM



6 / 10
6 / 10
  • Exercises


Bodyweight training:

Made it through all 3 planned sets again! Almost didn't make it out of bed, but I had to get up because Spencer was coming to work out with me. Also had started to wuss out mid-way through the 2nd set, saying I was just going to do 2, but then I pushed us through the 3rd set anyway.

3x5 pullups

3x50 situps

3x50 dips

3x5 chinups

3x25 pushups

3x50 squats

Training Plan Entry

Bodyweight training:

3x5 pullups

3x50 situps

3x50 dips

3x5 chinups

3x25 pushups

3x50 squats
