Bike: Long Previous Next


1:58 PM

31 mi


16.42 mi / hr


195 lb
143 bpm
172 bpm


83 F


9 / 10
9 / 10
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I dont know what I am doing what I bike.. I need to learn how to ride. I feel like I am always pushing the pace trying to go as fast as possible. Need to learn how to find the right gear/speed and settle in and maintain a pace, not jump all over. And then I thought it would be a good idea to attempt to a mini tempo 40 min. That ruined my legs. Idk what I was thinking... Clearly I wasnt.. The last 45 minutes was just a struggle to keep my legs moving. It was not cool. My pace significantly dropped as my HR stayed elvated... I need to learn how to pace correctly to maintain a mod speed for a longer time period

2 gels - 1 @40min and 1@80min. still got hungry at the end.

20oz water throughout.

besides the not thinking part of my ride. It was a fantastic day to be outside and I enjoyed my time outside.
