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8:30 AM

3 mi


10:51 mi


recovery 3miles. +1.5hrs badminton at RBC.

The HRM blisters at the back from SC50 start to heal and peel off, Yay! The bee sting actually caused the skin surrounding it really dark, which is fading away too. Along gone is the fatigue... I wish :-)


Nutrition (2900)

* prerun (120)

soymilk+cereals (90) 1 plum (30)

* bkft (540)

1c, almond milk (60) squids (120)

3/4 packet, oatmeal(150) 3tbsp, flaxseed/wheat germ (60) bell pepper (10) cheese (50) 1tbsp, pecans, 5g chocolate (50) whey protein (40)

* lunch (800)

4jujubes, 15 dried longan, 30 gojis (120) 1/2 packet, trailmix (80) 1 banana (130) 1 string cheese (90)

6 pcs, cauliflowers (30) 10 pcs, roasted squash/eggplant (100) 2oz 炒瘦肉,鸡丁 (200) 炸豆腐干 (50)

* afternoon (360)

1 packet, cashews (285) 1packet, Carrot (25) 8g milk chocolate (50)

* dinner (680)

miso pork (100) roasted wheatberries (100) craisins hazelnuts (50) tomato soup (100) seitan (50) sauteed greens (100) roasted cauliflowers w cheese (80) 1 dessert bar w chocolate chips (100)

* night (400)

0.8C milk, 1 tbsp honey (140) 1 packet chocolate nibs (30) 1 packet, sweet potato chips (150) 2 cookies1ginger candy (50)
