Bike: Commuting Previous Next


4:25 PM

7.4 km


22.69 km / hr


81.2 kg
138 bpm
164 bpm


29 C
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Target annual pep fest at the Xcel because the Target Center is being remodeled. Besides hearing news (positive for a change) from all our execs, we also got to see and hear some of the current Target partner artists, including Demi Lovato, Rachel Platten, Anastasia and a band called X Ambassador. I had to ask my colleagues who every single one was. Taylor Swift, whom everyone had been half expecting, could not make it and sent a video message.

Exiting the Xcel was surprisingly easy for such a large crowd. I had my bike parked right outside the door and headed for Ramsey Hill via W 7th. At a light, I fellow biker whom I had noticed at the parking wondered whether there was another way "to the top, besides the hill." I said "sorry" and that I did not know another. He turned out to be Andrew B, whom I cooperate with a lot via conference calls. I then powered up the hill and then enjoyed the rest of the ride, especially crossing I-94 via the Dunlap pedestrian bridge. Always nice to see how lovely it is on the bike when I could be in a car in heavy traffic on the freeway.
