Nordic Skiing: Skijor Racing Previous Next


2:17 PM

9.7 km


16.61 km / hr


81.2 kg
164 bpm
170 bpm


-9 C


Twin Cities Championships-Skate

After running a few errands (serendipitously meeting book group friends Mike and Dave along the way) I got home and warmed up with a good book. Showed up back at battle creek 1420 and got a little warm-up in. Based on my classic race in the morning I started close to the end of the pack. Much better glide than the morning though I should have probably used some LF wax. Oh well, better training effect, which this really was my plan. Also used my B skis and poles instead of the good ones. Felt good along the entire distance and was able to physically catch and pass three of the skiers who had started ahead of me. Will see if I caught anyone else in terms of time.
