Nordic Skiing: Skate Training Previous Next


6:36 PM

14.9 km


10.78 km / hr


81.2 kg
143 bpm
176 bpm


-11 C
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Hill intervals on skis at Battle Creek, it's been a while for me, maybe two years, if not longer. More of a fartlek format, 5 minutes skiing 3-4 minutes resting. Hard to keep time in poor light, too, need to set up my intervals with buzzer on the Garmin again. Sat down during my second lap, feeling cocky about having passed Jamie. Well, he passed me back while I was struggling to get up. Lost contact with the leading group. Surprisingly good snow coverage, just like at Highland 9 Hole yesterday. The thin hard snow is challenging for me, I prefer it a little softer for more control. But I am starting to do OK on this, too.
