Nordic Skiing: Skate Training Previous Next


6:30 PM

14.8 km


10.48 km / hr


81.2 kg


-14 C


Sisu MYR: Ladder Intervals

(Garmin acting up during upload, still trying to recover, in the meantime, manual activity report)

Ladder at L4/Race Pace). I have to admit I was not looking forward to this workout. Tired legs, runny nose, and cold wind. But 3/4 of my Endurance United club mates were in the same boat and Karl was going to pick me up so I did it.


1-2-3-4-4-3-2-1 minutes at L4 with recovery to 125 BPM.


I am happy to report that my arms and legs cooperated. The long downhill was very fast and the wind felt very cold on my face. I've done quite a few outings at below -20C this winter, no problem (you've seen the pictures). But tonight and during the loppet my face felt cold. I wonder whether winter could be wearing on me? But it was a great workout, with a lot of happy chatter about everyone's results at the loppet and in the end I was glad I came!
