Nordic Skiing: Skate Training Previous Next


6:31 PM

13.4 km


9.26 km / hr


81.2 kg
148 bpm
159 bpm


-9 C
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This was supposed to be a hill bounding workout. Karl, who had already gotten a taste of skiing on snow last weekend at Como suggested we should give it a try on the sports fields. We walked out and found the conditions satisfactory. Did about 15 laps in 1:25. Karl made multiple references to the trolls grabbing our skis, indeed,I went down once courtesy of a stuck ski. Margie said we should have let her know, but having 20 skiers on a couple inches of snow would not have been wise. I was handicapped by heavy Landsem skis, I was amazed I could skate them throughout. Must be close to a record, being out this early on skis.
