Run: Tempo Run Previous Next


2:00 AM

12.1 km


4:54 km

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Treadmill 3


16:xx warm up

32:00 = 10:00 + 10:00 + 7:00 + 5:00 at 9 mph

with 2:00, 2:00, 1:00 recoveries

6:xx cool down

Thought of doing pavement for optimal specificity but it was windy. If I was really serious about PB'ing the half this weekend I would have gone out anyway. On the other hand, as you know, PB'ing by just a little instead of a lot has its benefits.

Pretty gimpy (left-right imbalance) for the first bit, for obvious reasons related to shoes etc. which aren't terribly significant. Almost OK on the third interval. Went with 7+5 instead of 10 to reduce the lung and heart load because I think I'm getting over a bit of something in the airways.

It might be relevant to mention here [ETA2 or anywhere] that [ETA2: although I find, according to my standards, that my stride and posture are often somewhat glitchy,] I very rarely have anything that hurts [ETA2: but things may frequently feel a bit tight/stiff etc.] and if it does it is slight. I've been running for about 7 years and have never received any massage, physio, chiropractic, orthotic or any other treatment for running. I do try to do some self-prescribed exercises and sometimes small bits of self massage. [ETA2 And I'm not saying those things couldn't possibly help my performance.]

ETA: Knock on wood.

Edit #2: Changed a verb usage (went->gone) which I know causes some people great pain to see. No one pointed it out, I noticed it all by myself.
