Run: Steady State Previous Next


1:00 AM

16.1 km


4:57 km

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LF 95Ti #5


1.5 mi w/u

3 mi at 8.5

0.5 mi jog/walk/stop recover

3 mi at 8.5

Additional running with 3x400 at 10 mph

First mile was challenging trying to make the motion happen efficiently (it certainly doesn't just happen automatically at first, that is for sure. If I just let it go, I'd fall over to the left and then probably fall off the treadmill, among other things.) After that, wasn't too bad. Some stiffness in the motion on the second rep, not surprising given training load. Managed to shake it out somehow. Cadence 88 on the first and 89 on the second. The HR shows a notably low, in my books, value maxing at around 144 for these intervals.

Followed, as tentatively planned, with 3x400 at 10 mph (~3-4K pace). (Doing that after the above intervals could be slightly risky.) These seemed quite good in some ways, but I wouldn't have been up to doing 2 miles at this pace.
