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5 mi

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Just a wonderful run. It was a damp, chilly, blustery day, and the street lamps were just turning on as I finished. Felt good immediately and decided to run up the major hill of the route pretty hard. This proved a challenge, but was pretty satisfying.

Everything felt like fall, from the aftermath of a cold rain, the changing colors, the jackolanterns, and most of all the gently chilled hands and forearms.



Thanks for happy words. I enjoy your commentary and am glad you're finding the good in running these days. I was reminded of you a few days back when (1) D-Rose got injured again, and (2) I saw someone's mustard-yellow klean kanteen standing crookedly on a table in Ebling Library. Did you leave it there? Jeez it'd be good to catch up sometime - do let me know the next time you're in the Midwest, won't you?

Max Hazard

Nothing says autumn running like cold forearms.

Maggie P

Tasty words Odin. Thanks!


Thanks for the commentary, y'all! I miss all of you more than you can imagine. To my favorite Bucks fans, it looks like the Bulls picked up right where they left off tonight.

Brenna, I had two of those water bottles when I left Iowa City, and misplaced both of them en route to Flagstaff. So steal it next time, please. I will be in the midwest for Thanksgiving and then again for the winter holidays.