Run: Easy Previous Next


6:00 PM

10.5 mi


7:38 mi


70 F
  • Map

Mount Elden


I wanted to test my fitness out a little bit, so I ran up a small mountain in town. I did this run in the fall, but I started nearly 2 miles further back on the road that time. This time I was conservative, but I felt pretty strong on the way up the road--even when it really started to ramp up and the elevation became a factor. I was certainly less tired than I was in the fall at the end, but I probably ran a little harder up that time. Also, 14 miles is substantially different than 10.5. I've really been enjoying running at this time of day and there was very little traffic on the road, which was nice. On a side note, it feels great to be finish a pretty good effort and not feel obligated to be in the math building until 2 AM.


Maggie P

Congrats on the graduation Odin!

And so jazzed you're returning to Decorah!


Thanks, Maggie--I am pretty excited about it. And good work to you on your graduation!