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Random thoughts on the Per. tend.:

- Another injury/discomfort that was virtually unnoticeable during layoff. Only thing I felt was a slight bit of tightness which went away around Thurs.

- Evenso, I decided to give it another couple of days to thoroughly heal. This is, no doubt, a reaction to the 2 'out-of-the-blue' calf muscle seizures in '04(?) and '06(?).

-As annoying as it was not to run those first few days,there seems to be a permanent tendency toward ease, comfort, rest, indolence. Very easy to get in to the 'habit' of NOT running.

-Ditched the work Trigs as they might have been adding unusual pressure on the p.t. They just seemed overpronate my feet.

-Had been contemplating a full week's R & R since locking in the 1,500 back in Aug. - Sept. Would have preferred it to be voluntary.
