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8:10 AM

6.2 mi


7:15 mi


135 lb


65 F


This was the most amazing race start to finish in every aspect. LOVED the course, the people, even those running with me seemed chipper. Felt in the zone and hit mile one split right on the mark. Rolly polly hills were great and I could feel myself speeding up. Hit mile 5 and saw my time and thought "oh man I have 10 minutes to kill for a PR, this one's in the bag". Then I see them. The braid sisters. They passed me at mile 5 at the Bean race a month before and kicked my butt by a good minute. my best shaniqua impression I thought to myself "ohhhh hellll nah, these girls aint doing that this race". Well long story short, they did beat me, but they def. pulled me along and helped me to get sub 45. And my final time was slower than theirs by 20 seconds so I think next race I see them I'll def. beat them Going into the shoot was great since it was downhill, but got a little squoosed and it was hard to pass people (I guess thats What I get for having late race kicks). Anyways, I'm happy with my time since I have made my 2010 goal for one race and I feel so strong. Is it bad that after I thought, "wow I could've gone faster". Oh yes, and I now HATE the smurfs.
