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7:00 AM

10 km


7:33 mi


135 lb


70 F


L.L. Bean 10K

Hot and humid. Beautiful course. First mile split was a 6:40, WHOOPS. After that, it was all downhill from there. (No pun intended). Hilly course but I loved it and I PRd by 10 seconds, so I'm happy with that. Discussing with Jeff, probably will make this an annual run. Last mile tubby magoo who is walking gets encouragment from a passing runner, so he starts running with me. I'm pacing him for the rest of the race and all I kept thinking was "get this tub of goo off me!!!" Shirtless, sweaty, AND he was within an arm length away from me. At the climb of the hill going into the last quarter mile I thought I could sling shot and leave him in the dust. Guess again Trace, tubby magoo is here to stay and not only that, he's pushing and in front of me! I see Jeff with like 200 yds. to go and hes screaming and pushing at me to go go go, and kick it into gear. I chicked probably 3 dudes. If I had another 100 yds, tummy magoo would have been looking at my ass and the finish line. Well it wasn't so the joke is on me, a tubby magoo beat me. Big Picture though, I PR'd and I'm training for a marathon, not 10ks. BIG PICTURE PEOPLE!
