Run: Easy Previous Next


12 mi


Foot felt fine throughout the workout. I was impressed with myself with this workout, given the amount of times I worked out over break. Tempo was fine, kept everything under control. Hills were pretty good as well, kept myself in control. Fartlek was the end of me. Started to get light headed and loopy by the time we based Kennedy Junior High School. My focus then was to make it back running, regardless of on and off times. Spivey helped me a lot in making it back, just mentally staying focused to make it back. Physically, I felt fine. My coordination was terrible by the time I saw David, Matt, and Steve. I stopped because I knew I wouldn't make it back, even if I was less than a mile away. Other than that, I ran the best of my capability. First week back as well, so there is a lot of time to improve. Ran a maintenance quarter, didnt time it though. No cooldown
