Run: Easy Previous Next


2.1 mi


7:34 mi


1 F


8 / 10
8 / 10
  • Map


COLD. Ran a little quicker just to get the run out of the way.. Snow was pretty harsh as well, so running through that was also a struggle. I did have a good time, sort of thinking about the big picture to life. I'm not really sure about a lot of things in life right now with the attitude of work and such, but I know I need to run to keep me on straight.

The run was a good shake out for tomorrow's long run, which will be around 8 miles. Got this crazy long shot kill in Fortnite.. 258 meters.. it was siiick, Thinking about running around a new neighborhood, like an out n back. Im gonna focus on being with the race pace, which is 8:02. If I can stick to that and negative split, I will be excited :D

Already excited, but even more excitement :P
