Run: Fartlek Previous Next


5 mi


7:33 mi


67 F


7 / 10
7 / 10
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Ran 6 x 1 min. at a little faster than CV pace, took about 2-3 min. recovery in between. Think I was averaging around 6:35-40 on the pickups. Should be better at this point but a lots been going on. Was not a great day to run as it just stopped raining and was humid. Roads were also damp and the footing was not that great. Didn't feel great and hard to find the motivation to do this, but I did and ended up not being a terrible run. Would love to be a lot faster at this point but I just haven't been doing the work needed to get there. If I make a few changes here and there I think I would start to see some changes but until I decide to do that I'll just keep doing these mediocre runs for seemingly no reason. I'm trying to keep my fitness up but I'm not even sure why anymore. I need to figure that out as this is starting to become a little senseless.
