Run: Fartlek Previous Next


9 mi


6:43 mi

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<No name>


2 mile w/u (7:04, 7:12), 2x3 min, 4x2 min, 5x1 min hard with 2 min easy in between everything, 1 mile cool down (7:23)

3 min: .51, .51

2 min: .33, .34, .35, .35

1 min: .19, .18, .18, .18, .17, .18

I felt okay during tonight's fartlek. My IT band was bothering me quite a bit on my warm up, and during the first few intervals. I took standing rest between everything again. I wish this pace felt easier/more relaxed. I feel like I am nowhere near race shape. Maybe it will be better when I'm back training with a group.
