Run: Easy Previous Next


9:15 AM

10.5 mi


7:43 mi


50 F


estimated. Headed down Starr Pass road to the parking lot to Starr Pass trailhead. A few miles in on the trails, I stumbled on an embedded rock, went down hard, scraped right knee pretty bad, palms and light scrapes on right arm. started running again and realized I had small cactus prickers in the back of left knee that were not bad and came out easy but there were a lot of them. After a few minutes of running again I realized I dropped the pocket with my phone. Kept going towards the actual Starr Pass until a small hill with one big cactus and another trail. Decided I should turn around and find my phone. On the way back, stopped when I saw a couple women walking and they immediately asked if I dropped something - they had my phone, at least that was some relief. Kept going and realized that I was no longer sure which path I was on, other bikers and hikers on the trails were no help or worse. Found a voicemail from Mom because I was out longer than expected but could only leave her a message. A hunter errantly told me the path below petered out so I went on another path that went up a mountain, the trail narrowed and went into switchbacks and when I could no longer run I saw the group on horseback (who had told me they were going the way I wanted to go) going down the hill so I then turned around for the descent. Found the horses again (for the third or so time) by the stone house after I had found my way again. Came back on the path just west of the resort.
