Run: Easy Previous Next


6:50 PM

4.6 mi


9:08 mi


180 lb


51 F


6 / 10
5 / 10


After not running since November 26, 2015 and struggling with my grief over the loss of Barry on December 5, 2015 and Bert on January 11, 2016, I finally went for a run. My legs are behind my heart and lungs. My legs were bothered by hills and inclines, but my heart rate was pretty good. I have weight to lose and conditioning to regain, but I will do it.

I wrote "Barry" on the bottom of my left shoe and "Bert" on the bottom of my right shoe. I miss them profoundly. Their decline in health and deaths have taken a toll on me. I have been so depressed and broken-hearted. I cry most days for them. I look for their presence in the house and in the yard... even while driving and at work. I will miss them forever. I love them so much. Much of my joy in my being left with them. My soul is less than what it was. It will never be the same again. Barry and Bert, until we meet again, know that I love you and miss you. I cannot wait to be with you again. I look forward to being with you again and forever.
