Run: Easy Previous Next


5:30 AM

0.7 mi


8:35 mi


143 lb
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Was supposed to be a gait analysis, but I should have known better than to think a gym had any clue. All the guy had to say was it looked like my stride length was good and I was landing good. Then did flexibility/stability tests, apparently I am more flexible/stable than average which is surprising given how stiff/sore my IT Band and hamstring was feeling.

The guy tried to tell me using a heart rate monitor was the best training method, and I needed to do full body resistance training to be a better runner. Oh and I have 18% body fat based on a hand held analyzer. Gee, I'm sure the running 9 miles beforehand and being fairly dehydrated didn't have anything to do with the results... Look at me, rationalizing all this. I have gained weight though. Oh well, it was a free consultation...
