Swim: Free Style Previous Next


7:00 AM

2800 m


2:09 / 100m

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Rpe7-8+. Good swim. Felt good. Dont into some good efforts/pace. warm up 400 swim, 400kick(I did all swim) swam these at ~1:30-1:35. interval was about 1:45. 400 pull easy

main set: Fun!

100 swim moderate on 1:45. 2x75 hard on 1:30secs(lots of rest). 3x50 moderate on 60secs. 4x25 hard on 30secs. No rest and repeat. total 1000

100 easy

4x25 moderate on 30secs, 3x50 hard on 60secs. 2x75moderate on 1:30, 100 hard. Ended pace on 100 at 1:30-1:32. Solid workout. Felt pretty good I had to effort but felt good.

Glad I did not do any kick today. My legs are still fatigued.
