Bike: Easy Previous Next


7:31 AM

91 mi


20.19 mi / hr


142 bpm
165 bpm


100 F
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RPE 9. Very windy as usual. Goal for today was 3x30 1st 30 135-140 HR, 2nd 30 HR 145-150. 3rd 30 155-160. You will see that I ws able to break data down so that you can review the 30 mile intrvls. 1st 30 avg HR 137(goal successful) 2nd 30 avg HR 148(goal successful). Plus 1.5-2 mins faster. But with the final 30 mile intvl, the one that counts, I was not able to achieve goal. I have done this workout with these goals in the past. And usually when the weather is hot it doesnt take as much effort to get the HR elevated. For example my base run HR no greater than 140;however, when the temps get around 80-82 my base HR effort is about 145. Apparently the same does not apply for the bike. Not sure about this! It does not make sense.

Since I have done these goals in the past, I thought i would not have that much of a issue with my HR goals. on the 2nd intrvl I gave half my nutrtion away since someone had no nutrition. That ended up hurting me. However, I would do it again. That is what triathlons are to me. So after my 2nd intrvl I felt I was in a calorie deficiet. On the final 30 I was able to hit my goal HR on the first 15miles. However, on the return I was out of water and out of gas. So I eased back the last 15 miles.

Perhaps next time I should drop the goal HR's by 5 each intrvl.

I did not get the brick in...I was out of gas and did not want to risk injury or deeper fatigue.
