Swim: Free Style Previous Next


2600 m


2:19 / 100m


83 F
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SMU Outdoor


rpe 7-7+. Since everyone had there own lane at swim practice I was able to swim at my effort. The goal for the swim was maintenance. warm up 400 swim, 300 pull, 200 kick(very easy) 100 drill = 1000m. 4x200 pull=800m. This was a good set for me since my legs are a bit fatigued, 1st 200 easy, 2nd 200 50 moderate 150 easy, 3rd 200 100 mod. 100easy, 4th 200 all moderate. All on 3:30. This was also an easy set. 4x100 (50 kick 50 drill) Kept the kick very easy. 8x50 1st&2nd 50 on 60 secs 3rd 50 on 1:15 4&5th 50 on 55 secs 6th 50 on 1:15 7&8th 50 on 50 secs. Final set I put forth a bit more effort since I had conserved so much effort up until this point. However, the effort level was still relatively low rpe 8.

Wore compression tights all day. My legs feel better. The achilles did not bother me after lunch today. Now it feels fine. Rt calf is bothering me more than yesterday. Time to ice the legs. I have a massage scheduled for tomorrow.
