Swim: Free Style Previous Next


6:30 PM

2900 m


2:05 / 100m


80 F
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SMU Outdoor


rpe 7-7+. warm up 600 swim plus 12x50 drill/ swim with fins 600m. main set 400 pull 100 swim, 300 pull 200 swim, 200 pull 300 swim, 100 pull (suppose to be 400 swim). Since I was taking it easy I did 100 and got out. Each pull was on 1:40. Each swim was on 1:30. I did all easy or comfortable on about 1:40. Once again kept everything easy...

I wanted to run this a.m. and might run this afternoon...30-40 mins...With such an easy ride Sat a.m. I will most likely consider a brief run this afternoon...Once again I feel physically great...Mentally is my challenge. I find myself focused at times and then at others thinking about how difficult it will be to train hard for IM TX immediately after IMAZ throughout the winter. I do understand I shoud not be thinking that far out but this what happend when I have to register so far in advance. I do not like having to register so far in advance. Too much time to think...I also feel after I do one IM. I will understand much better as to how to mentally prepare. As for today, I will need to lean on my coach for support. Not trying to put any pressure you coach, just need to keep things positive...

There is obviously no lack of results from the workouts. I have been successfully following and achieving the goals. At times I feel I might not be successfully completing the workouts. Or completeing the workouts correctly...But this is training were the mistakes should be made where we learn from those and move on...

My thoughts on some of my long bikes:

I feel I might be going a bit too hard on some of my long bikes. I have mentioned this before. My thought is that this might be ok. Its not as if I am riding 10 heart beats above where I might should be...I might be riding 5 heart beats above where I might should be...I have been made aware through some of my workouts that if I go as hard as I have in training I might struggle on the run. BC of this I feel on race day I will know that I need to ride a bit more in control. So I will continue to ride as I have knowing that it is a bit too hard of an effort at times(not always).
