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8:14 AM

37.8 mi


17.78 mi / hr


127 bpm
167 bpm


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Lago Vista


RPE 7-9+. The progressive workouts of 2min 95+, 90 sec @100+, 1min @105+, 45sec @110+, 30 secs @115+, 15secs @ 120+(done the appropriate number of times with rest as prescribed). The cadence portion was difficult to execute bc of the hills. At times I was suppose to be doing 110+ or 115+ when I found myself in my granny gears grinding out 65-75 rpm.

After a final recovery, I began my power portion of the workout. Only once did I feel I was not able to execute the workout as prescribed. And this was only for a small portion of the power workout. Overall I felt I executed the power portion appropriately: 4min 145-148 HR ~60-65 rpm, 4min 155-158 HR ~ 70-75 rpm, 4min 170-172 HR 80-85 rpm, 4 min 155-158 HR 70-75, 4min 145-148 ~60-65 rpm.

Brick to follow as well as comments on my thighs.
