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7:36 AM

109.9 mi


21.04 mi / hr


131 bpm
158 bpm


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rpe7-8+. This effort was like a moderate type of effort. It was close to my IM effort. I can ride faster. If I ride this efficient on race day, I will be better rested and thus if I ride at this effortI will ride faster if the conditions are the same. I realize it will be hotter but I will be riding on less fatigue than typical trng fatigue. Thus I will be stronger and feel stronger. I dont care what my bike time is as long as I ride as efficinet as I did today. My IM HR will be slightly higher. Not much. And on Race day I will not wait 11 miles before I begin riding as I did today...Nutrition: Increased Inifnit calories by 144 cals. ~1008cals. plus ~600 clas gel. ( I will consume slightly more gel on race day plus I will consume more water on race day). It is very easy to grab water on race day...
