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9:22 PM

13.3 mi


6:11 mi

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Maccabiah 2013 half marathon. I'm happy to have finished the race with no serious pain during the race. My butt and hips are quite sore the next day and I have some pain in my hip area if I push on where my lymph nodes are. I went to see the team doctor who said he doesn't think it is a hernia. I went out easy with Jason because I was worried about blowing up. I left him around mile 5 and my legs were already DEAD. Somewhere around mile 7 I started feeling better and began to pick people off until I hit mile 10, at which point I had run farther than I've run for the last four months and I was in the danger zone. Struggled through the last few miles and finished in 1:21:48, a time I was happy with. I couldn't even bend my legs after the race without having a lot of pain in my quads. Hilly course. 80 degrees, 70% humidity. My uniform was drenched by the end. I was trying to drink water during the race but they were handing out full water bottles and I kept spilling a bunch on myself, which wouldn't evaporate because it was so humid outside.
