Run: Easy Previous Next


2:00 PM

12.4 mi


9:51 mi

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Weather: "80F, cloudy, 80% humidity"

Interval Comment: 4 Loops of Roberts Rd.

Comment: "Well, this was one run from hell. The air was so heavy it was hard to breathe, although it wasn't particularly hot. I think my cold was still affecting me, because I started strugglng from 6 mi. into this run. I felt very tired, just overall feeling of weakness. Considered cutting it short, but I really wanted to do 12 mi. so I just suffered through the rest of it. By the end, I wasn't feeling well and thought it was probably stupid of me to go for 12 mi... Got home and gazzled tons of Gatorade and Endurox R4, and felt better in about 2 hours."
