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Gymnastics Focus:

Rope Ascents

*Wear shoes you can beat up! The thicker the sole the better.


15 minutes Rope Ascent practice

pretty pathetic for me.


2012 Reebok CrossFit Open WOD 12.3

18 Minute AMRAP:

15 Box Jumps* 24/20” [18" blue]

12 Push Press** 115/75lb [20#]

9 Toes-to-Bar*** [on floor]

*The athlete will jump with two feet and come to a standing position with knees and hips locked out on top of the box.

**The barbell will begin on the ground. For the Push press to count the barbell will move from the shoulders to the overhead position, with the knees, hips and shoulders extended in one line.

***For the Toes-to-bar to count, the feet must begin behind the bar at the bottom and both feet must touch the bar at the same time at the top.

5 rounds + 6PP

Probably rested too much during box jumps. They still kind of freak me out. PP @ 20# felt pretty light but I could tell my right arm/shoulder wasn't fully extending because of pulling in my tricep. Hanging on bar is painful so I did T2B by lying on floor holding the pull up cage pole and swinging legs over.
