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<No name>


20 min mobility

5 Rounds:

12 Back Squats (with shoulder press max) [35#]

12 pull-ups [green AND red bands]


10 Rounds:

5 Ball Slams 20lb [10lb]

Mobility involved laying on back holding a kettlebell up, trying to keep elbows straight, shoulders blades flat on ground, shoulder locked in or something. It was not pretty. Also lacrosse ball stuff.

Back squats, I tend to hesitate too much at the bottom. Must remember to just spring back up. I have no glute strength.

Pull ups, not quite ready for just green. Didn't even do that great with red and green. My lack of strength amazes and puzzles me.

Ball slams, kind of fun but I was supposed to be feeling it in my abs. I was not so I guess I was doing them improperly.
