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Last CrossFit Foundations class. On Monday I can join the general CF masses. Today we learned kettle bell swings, Russian and American. Those were kind of fun. Also tried out the rings. So sad for me. I couldn't even get myself in the basic position (can't remember what it's called); I think it was partly mental. Tweaked my neck. We also learned about double unders, also a no go for me. Every time I got the rope to go around twice I would end up tripping. So definitely room for improvement there. Did wall balls also. Was harder than it looked, even with an only 6lb ball. I struggled because I am weak and uncoordinated. Also learned the CF way of doing burpees (chest must be on ground).


3 rounds 45 seconds each move AMRAP, 3 mins rest

Russian KB swings


Wall Balls

Single Unders

rd 1: 103

rd 2: 106

rd 3: 103



Crossfit burpees are hard, but a little easier at the same time. I basically just throw myself at the ground. Easier than lowering down in a push up position :)