TEAM Fitness: Strength Previous Next



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Started off on treadmill, which made me unhappy. Warmed up for a couple minutes then we had to go to 4% incline and run as fast as we could for 10 minutes. This filled me with much loathing and hatred for trainer. I don't think I ever disliked him as much as I did at that moment. I probably didn't run as fast as I could though. Did 5.0mph for 8 minutes, then 5.1 a tad and then 5.2 for the last 45 seconds. I figure for me this is good. (This has made me realize that I do not like to be told how to run lol.)

Then we did 5 rounds of 10 burpees followed by 1 minute plank holds with alternating leg lifts if possible. By round 2 I decided alternating leg lifts were not possible. And then 1 minute of push ups, which I still suck at.

Then on to the weight machines with add'l stations of one legged wall squats (not good for me), squats with 40lb weight, burpees (of course), and squats (was supposed to be jump squats but my left knee disagreed).
