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Minimus Road

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<No name>


“CF Rise Chipper”

For Time

500m Row

20 OHS [15#]

20 Pull Ups [blue + green]

20 Power Clean [35#]

20 Hand Release Push Ups [kneeling]

20 Push Press [15#]

20 Back Squat [35#]

20 Box Jumps [12"]


This is the baseline workout before we start the paleo challenge (1/17-2/11). I was dreading this because I thought it would take me 30 minutes. But since my shoulder is jacked, I went with lighter weights, which made it easier. I had a bit of a clean epiphany when I happened to see someone doing them as I was doing pull ups. I could see her from behind, which gave me a different view and I could see how quickly her elbows moved up. I am pretty happy that I managed to do the 20 box jumps. Last time I did box jumps they were not pretty. These were better I think and I'm glad I didn't do step ups.

After WOD, I practiced double unders for a few minutes. Unfortunately, jumping rope doesn't agree with my right arm/shoulder.
