TEAM Fitness: Strength Previous Next



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<No name>


I have a head cold so this wasn't very fun.

Warm up was 100 burpees. I feel this is needlessly cruel. I was the last one to finish.

Then there were sets of forward lunges with weight plates. Trainer optimistically thought I could handle two 35lb plates. I could barely stand holding them. Doing squats was impossible. He let me downgrade to the 25lb plates. Yay.

Reverse lunges with 25lb weight plate.

Also did jumping split squats, push presses (squat then press 25lb weight plate overhead. I didn't fully get this move until the last set (3rd? 4th?).

And push ups and one legged planks in there too.

I was going to run 2 miles on the treadmill after class but that was not happening. I walked a mile instead.

Right now I feel exhausted and miserable and just want to eat all manner of junk food.
