TEAM Fitness: Strength Previous Next



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Finally! My last day of TEAM Fitness. It has been a good experience but I am ready for a break from it. Today we did 1 minute burpee tests. Silly me, thought we'd only be doing this once. No, it was 3 times, with breaks (2 minutes of 30 sec plank hold alternating with 30 sec skydiver/superman).

1st round: 23 burpees

2nd round: 25 burpees

3rd round: 27 burpees

Then we did squats while holding dumbbells straight overhead. That was hard. I started with 8lb dumbbells but switched to 5lbs ones for the next rounds. After squats we did reverse lunges while holding dumbbells straight overhead, that was easier. Also did pretend jump roping and squat jumps with 1 minute of push ups somewhere in there. Think we did this 4x. Then ab stuff with Swiss ball. Was supposed to have feet on ball, but I was pretty sad with this, ball kept rolling away from me. Did slow flutter kicks while holding ball. 1/2 mile jog to finish.
