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Minimus Road

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<No name>


Started with a quick warm up of pushing the sled from high and low positions, lateral shuffles.

Today we worked on learning cleans. I feel like there are so many things I need to be thinking about. The shrugging up is the hardest for me.

Workout was three 3 minute rounds where we tried to do as many rounds of

3 cleans 55# barbell

6 push ups (knees)

9 push press with barbell

For the 1st round I only did 6 push presses because I forgot how many we were supposed to do. I am tormented by my inability to do even knee push ups. I think I did 2 rounds per 3 min period.

Trainer also discussed nutrition briefly. He recommended a combo of the Zone (for portion control) and paleo/primal.

Wednesday we learn the snatch. Oh lordy.
