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Minimus Road

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<No name>


10 minute AMRAP:

10 Right Arm Kettlebell Clean & Jerk 1.5/1pd [18#]

10 Left Arm Kettlebell Clean & Jerk 1.5/1pd [18#]

10 Push Up with Hand Release

20m Side Shuffle (Right Leg Leading)

20m Side Shuffle (Left Leg Leading

2 rounds + 2 push ups

TGU Practice [10# dumbbell]

Warmed up with 2 minutes of jumping rope (singles), which I did w/o stopping then 500m row.

I was nervous about the kb cleans because that is how I hurt my shoulder but it went OK. At some point, I think I started understanding better about keeping my wrist straight. I think I'm better with the left arm than right. But maybe that is because my right arm is wonky.

After class, practiced some pull ups (green + blue) and jumpingr rope for a bit.
