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Gymnastics Focus:

Strict Muscle Up Progressions.

*Athlete must be able to perform 3 strict pull ups and 3 strict ring dips in order to begin muscle up progressions.

Test – 3 Strict Ring Dips

*if someone cannot do 3 strict unassisted ring dips , then they will be required to do banded strict ring dips in all ring dip workouts for the remainder of the gymnastics cycle (unless they can demonstrate the ability to do 3 strict ring dips during the cycle.)

**if someone cannot do 3 strict ring dips with a blue band, then they will be required to use the matador for all ring dip workouts.


Athletes with 3 strict unassisted pull ups and ring dips:

15-20 minutes of strict muscle up progressions.

Athletes without 3 strict unassisted pull ups and ring dips:


3X10 ring dips (blue band or lower tension)

3X10 stationary dips (greater than blue band tension)


3X10 Chin Up Grip Strict Pull Ups


10 Minute AMRAP:

2 Strict Muscle Ups* [3 blue + green pull ups/3 green band matador dips]

4 Push Press 135/95lb [7kg]

8 KB Swings 1.5pd** [35#]

*sub 3 strict pull ups and 3 strict dips for 1 muscle up.

**1.5pd is the rx for both men and women. Scale appropriately.

4 + 3 pull ups/dips

Used the matador for dips. Shoulder did not like very much. Tried using the blue & purple while we were practicing but for wod I used green band. Don't think I did the 3x10 chin ups, probably just a few. Pull ups were on the easy side with green + blue, but when I tried green + purple shoulder felt like it was being aggravated. Push press I first tried with 5 pounds on the bar but it felt like not a good idea so I went with empty bar.
