TEAM Fitness: Cardio Previous Next



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Warmed up for a few minutes at 15% incline, zone 3 HR. Then on to 6 sets of 1 minute sprints with 2 minutes of zone 2 recovery, all at 4% incline.

Sprint 1-5 were mostly in 7.0 mph.

By the last one, I felt horrible. Did 30 seconds at 6.4 and then trainer bumped me up to 6.5 for remaining 30 seconds because it made him feel better.

Cooldown: jogging at -2% incline.

4 minutes on Stair Master.

Then a few minutes on stationary bike. We were supposed to be at level 15 and HR zone 4. Which was not happening for me because I could not move my legs fast enough to get my HR up that high. I have Baby Muscle legs.

Then we had a short info session with the nutritionist, who told us that to increase fat burning we should focus on getting more quality sleep, eating food more slowly and sweating more. She suggested hitting the steam room or sauna for a few minutes after workouts. So today some of us went to the sauna. I do enjoy dry heat.
