TEAM Fitness: Strength Previous Next



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<No name>


Turns out the trainer is a liar. He keeps telling us that we won't have to do burpees anymore. And yet, what did we have to do today? Burpees with dumbbells. I used 8lb ones. I really wanted the 5lb ones but those were not an option. I think I liked burpees with weights better, maybe because we did not have to do the jump at the end, just had to lift up the weights. Also only had to do 25 for each round. Think we did at least 4 rounds. Also did dumbbell rows from push up position, flutter kicks, reverse lunges, side planks, push ups, superman hold. Ended with some leg lifting ab "game" as the trainer called it. We were on our backs and had to move our legs to position 1 (slightly off the floor), 2 (halfway off floor), or 3 (fully raised), depending on what number he called out. Did this in English. We also tried a round in Polish but most of us had a hard time remembering the Polish words, and also did a round in Spanish.
