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<No name>


“Half Nate”

10 Minute AMRAP:

2 Muscle Ups

4 Handstand Push Ups

8 KB Swings

6 rounds + up to 2 hand stand practice

Warm up

Worked on technique/skills. I'm nowhere near being able to do a real muscle up so practiced with feet on ground, working on false grip, getting body through, keeping bands tight.

For HSPU, just put hands on floor and worked on keeping arms/back tight and strong while trying to kick up one leg. My biggest problem with this is mental; I find it scary.

Kettlebells, I think I was using a 20lb one; it was teeny. Felt pretty easy.

Was a great relief to be able to go to CrossFit today since I missed Monday and didn't workout on Tuesday due to sick kiddo.
