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Minimus Road

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<No name>


5 rounds with 35 min total time cap.

500m Row

10 burpee Box Jumps 24/20” [12"]

10 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls 1.5/1pd [26#]

10 Thrusters 95/65lb [35#]

(Rest 2 minutes)

4 rounds

Slow on the rower as usual. Burpee box jumps were soul killing. Coach commented that I tend to jump on box with left leg leading, which means my right leg is weaker and could be contributing to knee probs. Still hate thrusters but I think I started getting better at keeping bar on shoulders during the squat portion. Almost could not clean the bar up to shoulders on 1st attempt but coach reminded me how to clean and that helped. Was very happy that there was a time cap!



Oh dear lord, I cannot even imagine the hell that is a Burpee Box Jump.