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5:55 PM



186 lb
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<No name>


V-sit hold with upper arm presses (no weights) x20

New exercise: from a v-sit position, roll to your side and extend arms overhead, then sit back up into a v-sit. 10x side.

Clams x 15

Hip raises (lay on floor, legs straight to ceiling, lift hips a few inches without rocking) x 10

Repeat hip raises, but this time add a crunch with the upper body

From a reverse table-top position, reach up with right leg and left arm to touch each other overhead. Retract and repeat with opposite arm and leg. x 15

Plank (push up position), lift hips up into an upside down V position, then return to plank.

Keep holding the plank, spread the feet a bit apart then perform single-arm raises without shifting the hips. x10 each arm.

Back exercise: laying on stomach, arch chest and legs up into the air with arms out in front. x 20 (10 with arms close, then 10 more with arms extended further)

Another back exercise: laying on stomach with chest up off the floor; hands folded with elbows out to each side. Now twist to the right as far as possible, keeping the arms parallel to the floor, and return to the initial position. Repeat x10, then switch to the other side.
