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5:55 AM



191.8 lb
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<No name>


Gliders: from a plank raise hips into a pike x 15

Gliders: mountain climbers: slowly and methodically for the first 20 seconds, then fast for another 20 seconds.

short rest and repeat mountain climbers

Gliders: From plank, bring right leg forward (like in a mountain climber) but then slide the foot across the floor under the chest reaching toward the left arm. Repeat the same side x10, then do left leg.

Mat: normal crunches, but hold for one second at the top x 20

Mat: crunches with hold for one second at top, and raise hips off the floor at the same time.

From lying position, sit up slowly into a v-sit without help from hands x 15.

Partner standing up at head: grab partners ankles and throw legs down to the floor then bring them back up x15.
