Run: Race Previous Next


8:00 AM

26.2 mi


11:24 mi


Imported from

Weather: "Partly cloudy, calm - 45-60 degrees"

Comment: "Race consisted of two loops at LBJ National Grasslands near Decatur. First loop (yellow) was 14.4 miles and the second loop (blue) was 10.4 miles There was a short (0.7 mi) out and back at the start to calibrate the distance. What a fantastic day for running. First loop was awsome, and I finished it in a comfortable 2 hours. I began to take a few walk breaks after 2 miles in the second loop, and began to really feel the strain on my feet and knees. Some of the trail was heavily ""pocked"" with horse hooves and the clay soil was like concrete in places, permanently marked by the horse hooves. I walked a lot of the 2 miles after the first aid station on the second loop, but met up with a runner from Canada that was quite plesant and picked it up to a respectable pace on in to the finish in under 5 hours."
