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  • Exercises


Continue to see strength gains. Chest and tri today (mixed in some bicep as well)

first round:

3 x5 of 100s on db bench without a spotter so to be able to take this from rest off my chest on 3 sets and still get 5 reps each time after not being able to get it off the chest for two sets before is a big improvement. Feel like I could move up to 110s, but that will have til wait until after vacation ( don't think the cruise will have that many dumbbells)


3x5-8 of 90s with each set followed by dips, a set of 3-5 squeeze presses with 70s, and dips again

Then pushup routine:

pushup plus, dips, decline bosu, dips

close grip on two bosu balls, dips, single ball pushup, dips

decline two bosu, dips, two stability ball pushups, dips

bird dog pushups, curls, decline bosu, curls

yoga -x pushups, curls, single ball pushup, curls,

oscillating pushups, curls, double ball pushups, curls

Repeat that routine

Then 3 sets of:

chest row with 75, dips, chest row with 55 (slow), curled the 55

then the ab routine skipped legs so that I could give running a shot today.

but did some breathing exercises.
