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10.1 mi


7:53 mi

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celebratory long run because i'm officially done with 1L :') what a year man. probably the most challenging yet rewarding thing i've done in my life so far. also before i started law school i thought there'd be no way i could keep up with running as much as i have been. and it definitely has not been easy but i'm really glad i've been able to prioritize it when I can; the physical and mental benefits that I get from it make it so worth it for me. also the clout of my non-runner classmates being impressed that i do this is nice ngl.

when i was running around one of the lakes i saw a guy and a girl walking & holding a pole between them to make sure they stay 6 feel apart. i thought that was just a meme and people didn't actually use poles for it lmao. i guess they're just trying to be safe so i shouldnt be making fun of them, but they were also wearing masks too so i feel like dragging a pole into this and blocking everyone else on the trail instead of just estimating 6 feet is a bit much


Brianna Legner

Woo Hoo way to go! Proud of you :)